Thursday, May 19, 2005

Photo of the Revolution Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Revolution Unvieled!

's next generation console, the Revolution, has been unveiled; and my first reponse was:"And we wonder why is dying." Yeah, it was small and modern looking enough, but as of now, I don't see why I would buy it as opposed to the PS3 or the 360. When asked about performance, the President said something to the extent of 'We are not emphasizing power, but content." In other words, it's not near as powerful as it's competitors. The Revolution has 2 USB ports(the PS3 has 6), but it will have wi-fi, and also will be able to wirlesslh connect with the DS, 's handheld.

On another note, also showed a new gameboy, the Micro. It is a replica of the Advance but is drastically smaller and has the brightest screen for a Gameboy as of yet. I'm not quite sure what expects to do with the Micro; I mean, why would anyone buy it, why not a SP or DS.

Of course, it will still be interesting to see how plays round 2 of the next console battle, and who knows, I might end up getting a Revolution.


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Photo of the PS3, due out in 2006! Posted by Hello

PS3 Unvieled!

The PS3 has officially been unvieled and looks as good as we though it would be. What I think is a better design than the Xbox 360, the PS3 has a curved design and is has three USB ports for controllers, cameras, etc. Equipped with bluetooth, Wi-fi, and Internet browing capability, Sony's next generation console is the ultimate dream machine for the wireless lover. Boosting the PS3 exclusive 'cell' processor, the console is twice as fast as the Xbox 360! The new also will support the new Blu-Ray discs, the new HD DVDs. Coming with a early 2006 launch, Sony will temporarily lose some ground to Microsoft, though time will tell whether that lead will stand. The only complaint I have, is that horrible looking boomerang controller! Yeah, it has bluetooth, but it looks awful; I don't know how I'll be able to use it.

Later today, will unveil the Revolution, the ailing video company's answer to the 360 and PS3. Information on that will be here as soon as it comes out. Happy Gaming!


Sunday, May 15, 2005

E3 Starts Next Week!

E3, the annual gaming exhibition, starts next week! The most notable of the unveilings and showings are the Sony PS3 and Revolution.

Sony has kept fairly quiet and we don't know much about it besides that it will boost the new 'cell' processor, the supposed next generation in cpu chips.

Nintendo, which fell back to third in gaming console sales in the last generation of gaming, will have to succede with the Revolution to regain control of the top spot(s), while having to shed its image of console for children.

Some of the video to be highlighted at the exhibition are Ghost Recon 3, Progect am Racing 3, NBA 2K6, and perhaps Halo 3, just to mention a few.

So let's all fasten our seatbelts for one of any gamer's favorites weeks of the year.


Saturday, May 14, 2005

Photo of the 360

The XBOX 360! Posted by Hello

Friday, May 13, 2005

Xbox 360!

Last night, Microsoft unveiled the Xbox 360. Just as impressive as we thought it would be, the 360 has three 3.2 GHZ IBM processors! It will have 802.11 wireless networking, so if your house if a wi-fi hotspot, you can get on Xbox live without cords. Speaking of Xbox Live, there will be two types, one standard that's free, and another paid subscription that allows you to download new levels and weapons for your.

A highlight of the 360 that Microsoft emphasized is that there is a 'eyetoy' like device that you can use to chat with your friends via Xbox Live while playing a or just hanging out. With the announced release in November or December, the console should be here in time for Christmas.

If your really excited about the Xbox 360, I suggest going to the new Xbox 360 website, where you can look at screenshots of the console and controller, as well as signing up for an e-mail notifying you of updates on the site.

Happy gaming!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Darth Vader's Blog

I recently added a link to a blog titled 'Darth Side.' This is a humurous blog that is the supposed blog of Darth Vader. I suggest visiting this blog to see what you think. Have fun!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Mozilla Firefox

Yesterday, I downloaded Mozilla Firefox, a web browser like Internet Explorer, to see if it's all that it's made out to be. Firefox recently surpassed the 50 million user mark, and is quickly catching up with Microsft owned Internet Explorer as the web brower of choice.

From what I have experienced so far, Firefox is not to shabby. I have set it to my default browser, and have started customizing it, something you couldn't do much of with Internet Explorer.

Honestly, there isn't a whole lot different from the two, but as I already said, Firefox can't be customized to your needs and preferences. For instance, if your like me and like listening to music while searching the web, you can download foxytunes, which lets you control the music your listening to with within the browser.

There is one thing I dislike about though, and that is the difficulties I encounter when customizing. I have to install the add-on, but somewhere in there I get lost. I know, it's probably the legendary 'user error,' but hey, you never know.

This is the only problem I've encountered with Mozilla Firefox, but it should now hinder you from trying it out. Firefox get my vote of confidence, and hopefully it will soon get yours.


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Star Wars Ep. III

As most of you sci-fi fans already know, Star Wars Ep. III The Revenge of the Sith, is coming to a theater near you May 19. Lucasfilms has done a remarkable job advertising for it and has everyone wanting to see it's debut. Along with the movie, George Lucas has come out with a variety of Ep. III merchandise for the Star Wars fan, including anything from video to costumes. While George Lucas has announced he will continue the Star Wars franchise with a television series, this will be the final installment on the Star Wars movie trilogy. While we all wait for May 19, be sure to check the official Star Wars website.

May the force be with you

ipod mini Review

This Mother's Day, we gave our Mom an ipod mini. I think she was expecting an ipod shuffle, so this was a pleasant suprise for her. Opening the box and holding it for the first time, I realized that it was much smaller than I had expected it to be.

I have thus enjoyed it so far, and have had only a few problems with it. The most complicated and frustrating, was the formatting and transferrig music files to the mini. Instead of just using Windows Media Player to import the the mp3s to the mini, which I earlier thought that I could do, I had to install itunes and then reburn some of the CDs to my pc. Of course, my pc started acting up and I ended up having to installing quicktime and itunes countless times. "What did you expect from a pc,?" my Apple crazed cousin joked.

Other than that, though, I was satisfied with it. I had heard all of the hype surrounding the mini and it's counterparts, but was not sure whether it was really all that the media made it out to be.

I will now start giving reviews on all the techno gadgets that I get my hands on, the first of which being the ipod mini.

ipod Mini

Rating: 4 out of 5

Pros: Stylish look, small size, portability, good headphones, neat click wheel

Cons: Complex setup, not able to format with Windows Media Player

Final Comments: This stylish ure icon lives up to its hype and is a must have for any technophile or music lover.

Me with the ipod mini

ipod mini Posted by Hello

Monday, May 02, 2005

Microsoft, Samsung HDTV alliance

It's official! Microsoft and Samsung have paired up to promote the new HDTV(High Definition TV) generation of gaming. The next generation Xbox, probably called Xbox 360, will support the new HD capabilities. It is also confirmed that certain Samsung HD televisions will be sold along with the Xbox 360. This is certainly a big step in securing the Xbox 360 as the the next generation console of choice over the PS3 and Revolution. I think that Microsoft has done a good job of marketing the upcoming console as the 360 already has a lot of hype around it, while the PS3 and Revolution don't.