Saturday, February 25, 2006
Here's a link for the official site of the $100 laptop. The site explains everything about so I won't speak much about it. But here's a a short/sweet summary of it: It will be a small barebones laptop that will sold to governments who will in turn give them to the children in their schools. The computer itself was designed by MIT and will be produced by Quanta. It will start production later this year.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Last Sunday, I started using Goowy, a web-based site that controls your e-mail, contacts, and calender, among other things. A good way to explain it is a kind of web portal; something that you( I do at least) may use as your home page. As well as as web site, you can also download the desktop client version, which I have yet to do. It's a great tool for bringing everything on my computer together. Check them out here.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
My Candid Opinion of the Next Gen. Consoles
Merill-Lynch has recently released a report that the Sony PS3 will cost over $900 dollars to manufacture and its release date being postponed 6-12 months from the expected spring 2006 date. While Sony sternly denied the report, its stock fell 3.6%, or $1.62 to $45. A big part of the costs are the Blue-ray DVD player and Cell processor.
Obviously, The PS3 will be the most expensive system out of the three front-runner systems. The Xbox 360 by Microsoft, which was released November 22 of last year, can be purchased for $300. The Nintendo Revolution, expected to cost $200, will debut sometime this spring.
Laugh at me all you want, but I'm excited about the Revolution more than any other of the consoles. I won't even consider buying an Xbox 360 until a good game (Halo 3, maybe?) comes out. As for the PS3, I don't think very many people are going to pay the $500 that it's estimated to cost. And the Revolution? It's going to be inexpensive, the controller is looking great, and there are going to be spectacular games. A very interesting interview about the Revolution and DS here.
Obviously, The PS3 will be the most expensive system out of the three front-runner systems. The Xbox 360 by Microsoft, which was released November 22 of last year, can be purchased for $300. The Nintendo Revolution, expected to cost $200, will debut sometime this spring.
Laugh at me all you want, but I'm excited about the Revolution more than any other of the consoles. I won't even consider buying an Xbox 360 until a good game (Halo 3, maybe?) comes out. As for the PS3, I don't think very many people are going to pay the $500 that it's estimated to cost. And the Revolution? It's going to be inexpensive, the controller is looking great, and there are going to be spectacular games. A very interesting interview about the Revolution and DS here.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Another Scandal?
In a recent report, Sen. John Ensign of Nevada and Pete Sessions of Texas are being bribed by internet connection companies to going against the public wi-fi movement. The wi-fi movement is pushing for public wi-fi in large cities funded by the government. Pete Sessions is my senator; I can only hope that this is not true. Here's a link to another article.
Wow, George!
A few scientists recently got together to make a of what the George Washington's face looked like at the age of 19. This is very interesting. Here's the link. I would like other people to do the same with other people like Jefferson, Lincoln, etc.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Opponent of GTA series blasted
As many of you may know, U2's leading singer Bono is in negotiations to buy the video game company Take-Two, the maker of the controversial Grand Theft Auto Series. Jack Thompson, a close friend with Bono, released a public letter to the star asking him not to buy the controversial company. His letter has been blasted and people are accusing him of being mentally ill because of his letter. Why? Because when someone makes a stand against something so popular yet so evil, the public and media won't like it.
Why Bono is even considering buying the company is a wonder to me. Isn't he supposed to be this "humanitarian"? Mr. Thompson makes numerous points throughout the letter urging the music star not to buy it because of its themes. It is sad that this supporter of the common good is being attacked so fiercely.
Why Bono is even considering buying the company is a wonder to me. Isn't he supposed to be this "humanitarian"? Mr. Thompson makes numerous points throughout the letter urging the music star not to buy it because of its themes. It is sad that this supporter of the common good is being attacked so fiercely.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Funural or Political Rally?
I was disappointed to learn that during Coretta Scott King's funeral, some of the speakers thought that it would be a great time to blast our President. Ministers and politicians alike all took turns talking about what they dislike most about George W. Bush, when they were supposed to be praising Coretta Scott King. Then when someone would make a big statement, everyone would stand up and give him a round of applause! Now what the heck does healthcare and the war in Iraq have to do with Coretta Scott King? Nothing at All! It's ridiculous!And keep in mind, all of this was said by the speaking just standing a few yards from Coretta Scott Kings's body. They made a shame of Mrs. King and the civil rights movement.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
A New Face?
You know that lady that that received a face transplant? Well, she made her first public appearance today, claiming success. Hailed as a great step in the world of medicine and surgery, she claims "I now have a face like everyone else." Look at the picture below. Does she look like everyone else? Is she happy? Sad? Worried? You can't tell; no one knows except her. Why is this considered a great achievement? The transplant wasn't successful. She doesn't look a normal person. When a face transplant results in someone looking like a normal person; then I'll call it successful.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Google's Downfall?
Google has recently declined to attend a congressional hearing on the censorship of media in China. Google has recently agreed with the Chinese government to censor search results deemed "subversive" by government officials. Often censored sites are blogs and other sites promoting freedom and democracy.
My opinion of Google is becoming worse and worse as they continuingly willingly agree to lower their standards. Many bloggers that use adsense are dropping adsense because they're that infuriated about it. And you know, I don't blame them all that much. I don't know I would go that far, but it still ticks me off. When they first decided to censor search results, their stock went down 12%, or $70. That shows how much the American people stand with Google on this issue. Google better make up for what they are doing if they want to continue being the world's largest search engine.
My opinion of Google is becoming worse and worse as they continuingly willingly agree to lower their standards. Many bloggers that use adsense are dropping adsense because they're that infuriated about it. And you know, I don't blame them all that much. I don't know I would go that far, but it still ticks me off. When they first decided to censor search results, their stock went down 12%, or $70. That shows how much the American people stand with Google on this issue. Google better make up for what they are doing if they want to continue being the world's largest search engine.