To the of Canton High School Athletic Director and Football coach Gary Joe Kinne, I reminds me of how seriously some people take sports. It's just pathetic. I mean, good grief, it's just a ; nothing to kill another person over. I also got another reminder of how stupid some people can be. The afternoon of the , the shooter's cousin, with other supporters, stood outside the Canton jailhouse, protesting for his release. She said something like this to the media:I don't necessarily think that you should call him a lunatic, other people are angry about this too." This is incredible! I'm sorry; somebody that attempts to kill somebody else over a is pretty crazy!
Besides the shooter, other things trouble me and my family about the , not the least is that Canton is just 30 miles away from where I live(Athens, TX). The other, is that my Mom went to high school with Coach Kinne, and my uncle played football with him. We are constantly turning on the news to see if someone is going to release the condition of Kinne.
Somehow, the government is going to have to degrade the importance of sports. I have heard people say that the was not related to sports and the fact that his son was on Coach Kinne's football team, but why then, would he shoot the coach and not someone else?